Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is a statement of how and our affiliates (“KickBigSodaOut”,  “we” or “us”) treats information it receives from members of the public as they interact with KickBigSodaOut.

KickBigSodaOut created this Privacy Policy to demonstrate respect for your privacy preferences and to disclose our information collection and sharing practices. Regardless of whether you provide us with your personal information via any of our websites or in another manner (e.g. regular mail or face-to-face), we strive to honor your privacy preferences.


KickBigSodaOut collects and processes certain information about you through the services you use, such as our websites, when you sign the petition, through social media sites, and through any other interactions with us. KickBigSodaOut also collects the information you provide when filling out a form on our websites, and other communications channels. By doing so, you give KickBigSodaOut your consent to store and use the information provided.


KickBigSodaOut may collect one or more of the following types of information:

• Personal details (e.g. full name, age, gender)

• Contact details (e.g. email)

• Professional detail and employment details

• Public information from publicly available sources, including open postings on social media

• Contact preferences

• IP address, location data, or browser information


We collect, process, and use your personal and non-personal information in the following ways:

• Responding to your inquiries

• Communicating with you about your transactions or subscriptions with us and sending you information about features on our websites or about the organization

• Communicating with you about changes to our policies

• Sending you newsletters, mailings, and information about programs, initiatives, activities, and events by e-mail or another medium

• Optimizing or improving our programs, services, and operations

• Improving your experience on our websites

• Research and development

• Detecting, investigating, and preventing activities that may violate our policies or be illegal

• Performing statistical, demographic and marketing analyses of users of the websites and their usage patterns

• Managing our organization


KickBigSodaOut uses commercially reasonable technical and organizational measures to help ensure and demonstrate that your personal information is safe from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. These measures shall be reviewed and updated when necessary.

KickBigSodaOut stores all of your data on servers located outside the European Union. KickBigSodaOut has layered security in our systems and only designated employees have access to copies of your personal information. All online transactions are done on a secure server. This means that information entered on the transaction page is encrypted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) before transmission. On secure pages, a “closed” lock symbol is displayed in the bottom part of your browser screen and the website address in the address bar at the top of the browser screen starts with an “https” instead of an “http”.

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 18 (or minors below the age depending on jurisdiction) or knowingly allow such persons to provide us with their personal information without parent or guardian  consent.

KickBigSodaOut will store your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy or as otherwise permitted by law. After such period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information stored by us.


KickBigSodaOut does not sell your data to third parties, give it to third parties or make your data public without your consent.


Any individual who makes a request is entitled to be told whether any personal data is being stored and receive a description of the personal data, the reasons it is being stored, and whether it will be given to any other organizations or people. You have the right to obtain from us confirmation of whether we are processing personal data concerning you, as well as the purposes of such processing, the categories of data being processed, and other information related to the use and storage of your data. Requests for confirmation should be made to us in writing via

KickBigSodaOut will also give you a copy of data and the source of data about you upon request and after verification of your identity. You also may ask us to stop storing your personal data, and we will accommodate your request unless the data is necessary to achieve the purposes for which you provided it (e.g. processing your donation) or it is otherwise required for legitimate legal or business purposes. You also have a right to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you. If there are any discrepancies in the information we provide, please let us know and we will correct them and/or make supplements.

If you would like to access your data, please send a description of the information you would like to see and scanned proof of identity to


KickBigSodaOut uses cookies in a limited fashion without collecting personal information. An example of a cookie that KickBigSodaOut may use on some of its websites, is a cookie that can identify if you are a new or returning user so that the splash page you see when you visit our site can be customized to provide you relevant information.


Google Analytics: KickBigSodaOut uses Google Analytics to obtain basic information about visitors to our websites. You can read Google’s privacy policy here for further information on how they store data:


This policy is limited in scope to data collected through the general methods listed above. Data that is gathered, stored or processed as a result of our programmatic efforts may be subject to different data policies as required by the nature of the programmatic work, the nature of the data, donor requirements, and/or legal requirements.


If you have any questions about this policy or need any additional information about how KickBigSodaOut collects, stores, and uses your data, please contact us using the information provided on our websites or by emailing

We may update this policy and any supplemental privacy policy to reflect changes in our practices and applicable law. We will post a notice of any material updates on our website.